Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Racial Diversity: Historical Worksheet Essay

†¢ Throughout most of U.S. history, in most locations, what race has been in the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group? Throughout most of U.S. history, in almost all locations the race which has been the majority is the â€Å"white Americans which comprises Hispanic Americans. White Americans are the majority in forty-nine of the fifty states, with Hawaii as the exception. White Americans, trace their ancestry to the original peoples of Europ, the Middle East, and north Africa. †¢ What are some of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history? What have been the common ancestral backgrounds of each of these groups? When did each become a significant or notable minority group? Some of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history would be African Americans, Native Americans. Native Americans who were first to be in North America. In 1871 the Federal Government declared them American Indians and were forced to move to reservations. This is where they were forced to adapt to Christianity instead of their own religion, schools that were done in English. African Americans were the other larger racial minorities. African Americans arrived with the first European explorers from Africa. Shortly after they arrived they became slaves due to their color in 1776. In 1865 Congress abolished slavery everywhere. †¢ In what ways have laws been used to enforce discrimination? Provide examples. These laws were intended against which racial minorities? Laws have been used to enforced discrimination by having consequences for your actions when discriminating against a person or any minority group. An example of this is when an employer does not want to hire a certain race or only wants to hire one certain type of race, but still hires you only because he/she has to have a certain percentage of that race. I believe that these laws were intended to end racism between different races, mainly with whites and blacks in the United States. The reason why is because the history with both races. Whites have always over powered blacks and treated them unfair and now they placed the laws in place so that can not happen anymore and everyone can be treated equally. †¢ In what ways have laws been used to eliminate discrimination? Provide examples. Did the laws work to eliminate discrimination? One example I could think about would be when putting down your race or gender on an application or some type of form. Now it gives you the option to do so or not to do so. What I had found hard about answering the race question is the fact that I am biracial and most of the time they only want you to pick one race or if you do pick just one and they see you then they question it. This law was intended to stop employers to discriminate against women and different kinds of race. However what they law did was make it a point to have a percentage of a race or gender in that work force, so that may be the only reason of getting hired on.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Story of Herbert Ernest Bates “The Beauty of the Dead”.

Interpretation by Arkadiy Kurakin The story of Herbert Ernest Bates â€Å"The Beauty of the Dead†. The story is a unit of literary fiction. The author uses different expressive means and stylistic devices to show the reader the idea of the story, such as epithets, metaphor, similar, oxymoron, irony, hyperbola, understatement, etc. The protagonist of this story is Mr. Grimshaw. This is a complex character, reticent, gloomy. His surname is rather significant.The adjective â€Å"grim† means harsh, merciless, severe; ghastly, joyless, sinister (has a grim truth in it); unpleasant, unattractive. – expresses here the impression to be made by him on a reader. We can see his mercilessness from the following phrase: he turned with satisfaction to look at his wife, who lay dying on the bed. From his interaction with the minor character it occurs that though his relative consider him to be another, he is so a man that his name gives our an impression.The most important acti on of the protagonist is his inner thoughts, his choice in using sudden circumstances, his impulse to go through all the events happened. The minor characters is his wife. We do not know and the author do not let us know her name and it is significant because her name is of no account as her character is weak-willed, dull and infirm. What why he doesn't care about her inner world and doesn't interpret her as a person. Stylistic AnalysisThe story â€Å"The Beauty of the Dead† by Herbert Ernest Bates is casual in its subject-matter, describing a particular place at a particular time. In analysing this story we must point out its three main features: 1) the effect of striking concreteness and simplicity; 2) the impression of a melancholy meditating tone; 3) the implication suggested by the author as the ultimate stylistic effect. These three peculiarities are linked and interwoven to produce a joint impression, the EMs and SDs of the story are aimed at achieving the desired effe ct.SDs used in describing the picture are aimed at arousing a concrete image: epithets â€Å"yellow†, â€Å"grassy†, metonymical periphrasis â€Å"wanted wear† and â€Å"no step had trodden black† suggesting paths which are seldom used. A careful and inclusive analysis must consider linguistic items at various levels, as all stylistically significant features form a complex. The impression of colloquial intonation of reminiscence is mainly created in the story through enjambment. The pause in the middle of the line (see the third lines in the first and the last stanzas) makes the tone of the lines natural and meditating.The combination of the SDs of enjambment and anadiplosis (the repetition of the pronoun â€Å"I† at the end of the line and at the beginning of the next line) in the last stanza produces the impression of a kind of afterthought uttered quite naturally after a pause: Lexical EMs and SDs emphasise the melancholy tone of the story. Thi s SD is that of antonomasia. The proper name is substituted by a common noun which stands in certain relations to the name. Beatrice in her reply to Benedick treats the word â€Å"disdain† as a living being ascribing to it human qualities.Hence here we have the SD of personification. Stylistic Analysis This story is one of Hemingway's masterpieces. It gives a deep insight into human nature and a true picture of contemporary social and family relations in bourgeois society. The writer leaves the surface comparatively bare: the meaning is plain and simple. The impression of simplicity which strikes the reader from the first is brought out not only by the plain dialogues, the common matter-of-fact events at the beginning of the story but by the language itself.A close study of the story for the purposes of examining its style involves a careful observation and a detailed description of the language phenomena at various levels. The text of the story is not homogeneous: the author 's narration is interrupted by the dialogues of the characters; inner thoughts of come characters (mostly Wilson's) are imperceptibly interwoven with the narration. A rigorous analysis of the vocabulary of the story clearly shows that the author employs common words in his narration and a restricted number of colloquial words in the dialogue and represented speech.Here are some examples of colloquial words: â€Å"†¦ †. In many instances the reader sees that the number of synonyms is deliberately restricted. Note the use of verbs of communication (â€Å"to say† and its synonyms) times; â€Å"to tell† — 3; â€Å"to ask† — 2; â€Å"to speak†, â€Å"to agree†Ã¢â‚¬â€ once each. No other verb of communication is used. Besides, the author does not usually add any adverbial modifier to show the manner in which the character speaks. See the first page where the author plainly states â€Å"†. The impression of impassive matt er-of-fact narration is brought out also by a very limited use of words denoting feelings.On the first pages we can find only the following words: â€Å"pretending†, â€Å"in triumph†, â€Å"smiled†, â€Å"liked†, Author’s scrupulous attention to minute details adds to the matter-of-fact and logical tone of the story. Underneath this simple exterior of restraint there lies a rich treasure of suggestions and implications. The very structure of the story adds to the effect of implication but the actual meaning of what is going on is not clear at the beginning of the story, as the feelings suggested by the writer are not precisely determined.The reader however feels that something has happened and that the characters are strained and full of hidden apprehension and suppressed emotions. The effect of implication ( ) and suspense () is brought about in various ways, firstly by the direct means of stating that something has happened but not revealing wha t. Observe the repetition of the word â€Å"happen†. Note the word â€Å"pretending† which characterises from the start the atmosphere of suppressed emotion.Note the various cases of logical periphrasis used by the characters to say in a round-about way what happened that morning. The reader is kept in constant suspense: â€Å"the whole thing†; â€Å"about it†; â€Å"that lion business†; â€Å"something like today†. Observe also the repeated use of the verb â€Å"to forget† stressing the intention of the speaker not to think of some unpleasant fact; the verb â€Å"to forget† is used four times and its contextual synonym â€Å"to drop† — twice. The hints and suggestive remarks uttered by the characters in their seemingly plain unpretentious dialogues are very effective in their implication.The effect of implication and suspense is brought about indirectly too: The macro-context that comes after these words affects them and determines their meaning. The peculiar use of the verbs â€Å"to look† and â€Å"to smile† may also be regarded as an indirect means of creating the effect of implication. However additional contextual meaning and emotive colouring is received mainly from the macrocontext. This manner of describing the character's reaction and emotions by presenting simple external actions may be considered a specific SD—metonymical description which is realised only in the macrocontext.The SD of metonymical description makes the reader supply what is missing and creates the effect of implication. This is one of the ways in which Hemingway employs his â€Å"iceberg principle†: â€Å"I leave out what I know but knowledge is what makes the underwater part of the iceberg,† writes Hemingway. In a similar way the writer uses the verb â€Å"to smile†: the implication conveyed by this verb is also brought out in the macrocontext. The role of the macroconte xt in Hemingway's story is of utmost importance. Note instances where the verb â€Å"to smile† is used: â€Å"So author's story devoid at the beginning of any apparent emotional colouring, of any apparent expression of the characters' feelings is impassive and matter-of-fact only on the surface whereas beneath the surface can be found intense emotions, meditations, sufferings. Note that the feelings and emotional reactions of Mrs. Macomber and Wilson are mostly conveyed by this means. Note the role of repetition in heightening the impression of growing fear: the word â€Å"fear† is used here twice, and the word â€Å"afraid† is repeated three times.One more note about author's usage of words and how it is related to the description of his characters. The impartial tone and the absence of emotive words in describing Mrs. Macomber may be accounted for by two reasons: the writer's principle to leave the surface comparatively bare of any emotion, and the desire to emphasise the woman's nature by choosing relevant words and expressions (note the writer's way to explain her purpose for desiring to marry again — â€Å"to better herself†). Analyse the use of the adjectives â€Å"red† and â€Å"blue† in the story.Similarly, the adjective â€Å"blue† is affected by the surrounding words (it is constantly used in such combinations as â€Å"cold blue eyes†, â€Å"his flat, blue, machinegunner's eyes†) and had acquired an additional contextual meaning making it an epithet in the macrocontext. It is the macrocontext that determines the meanings of some words and suggests their implication in author’s story, and therefore should not be underestimated. The grammatical peculiarities of the story serve the basic stylistic purpose — that of giving the impression of simplicity and mpartiality on the one hand, and creating implication and emotional tension, on the other. Long sentences which are s o characteristic of the author's narration in the story do not produce a sense of complexity. On the contrary, the long sentences give the illusion of simplicity. The impression of simplicity is generally maintained by a peculiar sentence structure. The most striking feature which is easily observed is the repetition of one and the same conjunction within the sentence. Read this sentence: † † Similar structures can be seen on the same page: â€Å" † The use of one and the same conjunction and one and the ame type of subordinate clause within the sentence (a complex sentence with successive subordination) creates a monotonous analogous description where the author seems concerned only with presenting a bare enumeration of details. It is interesting to point out that folklore contains clear-cut structures of this type with successive subordination as in the well-known nursery rhyme â€Å"This is the house that Jack built†¦ â€Å". The established syntactical pattern which is repeated within the sentence is a stylistically significant feature in the story leading to a seeming lack of variety and maintaining the effect of simplicity.Note that this holds true not only of the sentence-structure but to a larger extent of the paragraph-structure. The established pattern (or patterns) is repeated with a slight variation throughout the paragraph giving the impression of analogy and logic in structure. Read the paragraph on p. XX beginning: â€Å" † The predominant sentence-type in the above paragraph is the complex sentence with a subordinate clause of time. The conjunction â€Å"when† is repeated five times, the conjunctions â€Å"while† and â€Å"before† are used once each. The paragraph being a unity of ideas presents in the story a striking unity of syntactic structure.There is no conspicuous topic sentence, the paragraph gives a series of details or actions which go on and on, as if the writer assumes that his r eaders want only to learn as quickly and easily as possible what happens. The unity of the paragraph manifests itself in the established syntactical pattern used throughout the whole of the paragraph and in the one and the same conjunction. Repetition assumes in the story various structural forms. Catch-word repetition (anadiplosis) is frequently used giving the impression of plain, logical structure: â€Å"Margot looked at them both and they both saw that she was going to cry. â€Å"But more than shame he felt cold, hollow fear in him. The fear was still there†¦ â€Å". Note that anadiplosis produces the effect of a â€Å"chain-pattern† structure similar to that produced by successive subordination often used in the story. Anadiplosis is sometimes employed to connect successive paragraphs. The dominant conjunction which is employed frequently and variously in the story is â€Å"and†. The repetition of the conjunction â€Å"and† usually maintains paralle lism and rhythm: â€Å"† The effect of a rhythmical arrangement is heightened in this example by alliteration at the end of the paragraph.Suspense which is the basic compositional feature of the story manifests itself in the structure of most paragraphs. Read the paragraph by which the first part of the story culminates: â€Å"† Note that the paragraph tends toward balanced structure for the sake of contrast: â€Å"Macomber did not know†¦ ,† â€Å"Wilson knew†¦ â€Å". The repeated use of the words â€Å"knew†, â€Å"did not know† adds to the effect of contrast and gives the impression of a certain established pattern of the paragraph.Observe that parallel constructions are interrupted by inserting modifiers (three instances of subordinate clause of time introduced by â€Å"before†, â€Å"when†, â€Å"when†) and some other relevant detail. Syntactical parallelism supported and intensified by lexical repetition (four instances of â€Å"know†; â€Å"nor †¦ nor†; â€Å"when, when †¦ â€Å"; â€Å"how, how †¦ â€Å") lends an unmistakable rhythm to the passage. Note that the length of sentences and clauses is shortened and the number of inserted details is lessened by the end of the paragraph and so causing a change in rhythm: from a slow, even rhythm to a rapid, excited rhythm.This change of rhythm heightens the emotional tension and reinforces the implication suggested by the last unexpected sentence of the paragraph: â€Å"He did not know how his wife felt except that she was through with him. † The repeated words do not assume any definite compositional pattern, such a simple scattered repetition contributes to the impression of a colloquial simplicity of narration: â€Å"† The principle of repetition which reveals itself in the use of the established syntactic pattern and the repetition of one and the same conjunction often leads to the SD of cum ulation: â€Å"† The clash between the yntactical analogy and semantic distance in the SD of cumulation brings about the effect of implication and hints at the real relations of the characters. All these similar features contribute to the impression of parallelism in the structure of the paragraph. Cumulation is striking as the clash between the grammatical identity and semantic difference is sudden and strong. Cumulation gives rise to implication and presents the first obvious hint at what happened before the story began. The main dramatic force is achieved by syntax — by the writer's masterly utilisation of the resources concealed in the syntactic structure of the language.Stylistic tendencies and peculiarities of the story manifest themselves in the passage most intensely and palpably. The passage tends to rhythmical structure: parallel constructions, various types of repetition, a peculiar scheme of sense-group division — all contribute to this impression. A ll these features lend balance to the passage. A change in rhythm from slow to rapid reinforces the effect of suspense and climax. Suspense is created by a number of interrupting but relevant details postponing the completion of the thought.The length of the interrupting phrases and coordinate clauses is shortened by the end of the passage (note once again that the last three clauses contain two sense-groups while the first four — three or six) and causing a change in rhythm adds to emotional tension. The sentences are not so long, not so fragmentary, the relevant details are not so numerous. Note that some details are repeated (â€Å"like slate† — â€Å"like hitting a slate roof†). The rhythm of the paragraph is even and quiet giving the impression of an impassionate description.The paragraph may be regarded as a kind of comment on what happened. Note the use of the Past Perfect which plainly refers the actions to those which have been mentioned. The ide a of suspense and the effect of implication is masterfully revealed at the end of the story — the writer does not say plainly whether it was an accident or murder. The writer presents only a sequence of outward actions and the reader is left to imagine more than the words themselves convey. Assignments for Stylistic Analysis: 1. Speak on the subject-matter and the idea of the story. . Analyse the structure of the poem (its stanzas, rhythm, rhymes), note instances of enjambment and speak on its stylistic function. 3. What characters of the novel are described in the passage and what does the reader learn about them? 4. Who are the major and minor character/s? Describe them shortly. 5. What impression do you get from the protagonist? Discuss his/her character and his/her views as they are revealed through his/her speech. Describe the protagonist’s state of hopelessness and frustration. Comment on the protagonist’s words: â€Å"†. 6.Analyse the direct speech and speak on its peculiarities. 7. Discuss the meaning of the saying: â€Å"† and comment on its stylistic peculiarity. Say why he/she uses it. Speak on the way he/she interprets the above mentioned saying. What SD is used by him? 8. Find cases of periphrasis in her speech and speak of their function. 9. Discuss she attitude towards the situation, comment on lexical and phonetic EMs and SDs used in her speech and speak of the effect achieved through the use of these devices. 10. Pick out various types of metaphors and comment on their stylistic effect. 1. Comment on the meaning and stylistic peculiarities of some lines. 12. Dwell on the implication suggested by the author. 13. Pick out epithets, state their types and structure and speak on their stylistic function. 14. Comment on the exclamatory sentence 15. How do you account for the sudden transmission from literary vocabulary mostly used by the author (â€Å"under the auspices†, etc. ) to the colloquial words (â₠¬Å"a confounded quarrelsome highbred jade†)? What stylistic effect is achieved by this device? 16. Comment on the stylistic effect of the rhetorical question: 17.Speak on the author's attitude towards the society he describes. Pay attention to the EMs and SDs employed by the author (note the vocabulary of the passage, metaphors, metonymies, allusions, rhetorical questions and their stylistic function). 18. Speak on the scene and the characters introduced in the excerpt and SDs used to describe them. 19. Find various forms of repetition in the author's narration: the repetition of a sound (alliteration); of a conjunction (polysyndeton); of a notional word; of a syntactical pattern (parallelism) and speak on the role of repetition in the structure of a paragraph. 0. Analyse the SD of repetition from the point of view of its compositional design (anaphora, anadiplosis etc. ); note what kind of repetition prevails in the excerpt; speak on the stylistic functions of repetition. 21. Take the Xth paragraph for rigorous analysis; in doing so dwell on the following points: 1) the main thought of the paragraph and the way it is developed; 2) the SD of polysyndeton; 3) the metaphor, the way it is prolonged and the stylistic effect achieved; 4) represented speech, its type and stylistic function; 5) antithesis as the culmination point of the paragraph. 2. Comment on the different ways author manipulates with the remarks of the characters. 23. Summing up the analysis of the chapter pick out all passages where the author's ironic or sarcastic attitude towards high society and its corrupt morality is acutely felt and analyse the main SDs used to achieve this effect. 24. Summing up the analysis of the chapter/extract/passage/story, speak on the allegoric character of the story and on various SDs used to make the particular effect..

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bathroom Reading

In a culture that’s filled with an incessant call to action, it is paramount that we stop from time to time to think. This may sound like common sense, but in a fast-paced world it’s hard to find time to stop and consider things for more than a few minutes. Throughout my hectic high school career I have made a point of doing what many people fail to do on a daily basis: reflect and assess my life and decisions. I am a thinker. I analyze, postulate, and contemplate– sometimes too much– but always with the intention of learning something new about myself. You might be surprised to learn that I do my best thinking not, in the classroom, not in my bedroom, but in the bathroom. The bathroom has always been a place where I can sit and relax in peace, an oasis of calm and contemplation. The closest thing to an interruption is a polite knock on the door, and a soft quiet is continually maintained. Bathrooms are kept diligently clean, and ample mirrors provide for sufficient self inspection. In short, the bathroom is the ideal place for introspection and critical thought. My bathroom, which is situated a brief walk down the hall from my bedroom, is a wonderful, pristine chamber where I take solace in silence and retreat from the stresses of my life. After a long day of high school and homework, clubs and activities, I head to my bathroom to think and reflect about the day past and the days ahead. In fact, I do some of my best thinking in the bathroom. Everything from ideas for novels, screenplays, songs and movies, from what to eat for lunch are considered when I take refuge in the bathroom. Solutions to longstanding problems come to me in epiphanies while staring into the symmetrical, blue-tiled floor. I achieve new understandings of books that I have read while looking up at the ivory coated walls. I ruminate on my friends and family, and what they mean to me. I even realize the numerous mistakes and errors that I have recently made, and attempt to resolve my flaws. The thinking I do in the bathroom– whether it be asinine fantasies about my future as a rock star, or the sorry realization that my mother was in fact correct– is important to me. Taking the time to think and reflect has kept me grounded during my high school career, allowing me to make good decisions and stay focused on what is important to me. Instead of living my life blindly and complacently, I have made a choice to think deeply and keep things in perspective. To me, the bathroom is not a place to escape the challenges of reality, but rather a place to embrace and conquer those challenges through the power of human ingenuity. I know that when I leave home for college, and eventually leave college for the real world, critical thought will remain a constant in my life. No matter what I end up doing with my life–whether it be law, film, or literature–there will always be a clean, quiet bathroom down the hall. And for me, that bathroom will always provide the opportunity to better myself through critical thought.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Criminal Defenses and Criminal Punishments Term Paper

Criminal Defenses and Criminal Punishments - Term Paper Example The Supreme Court in one-way support the police use of force, the court stated â€Å"the calculus of the reasonableness must embody allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split-second judgments- in circumstances that are tense, uncertain, and rapidly involving- about the amount of force that is necessary for a particular situation.†(Supreme Court, n.d.). When officers are pursuing criminals are outnumbered, or suspects have more powerful weapons than they do, force is justified (Sharrar, 1992). Deadly force is used when the suspect threatens an officer or officers with deadly weapon, when the officer believes that the suspect might end up killing the officers in defense, force is also applied when the suspect has killed or caused deadly harm to another person. Non-lethal weapons and non-lethal skills may be used in this case. The case of Rodney King where the police used a Taser and multiple baton strikes on him was viewed as not excessive force though the public complained. Rodney king received 50 powerful blows and strikes after he resisted arrest. The only part that excessive force was misused was when the King had complied with the commands; assumed felony prone position but was kicked by the officer and struck with a baton six times by another officer (United States V. Koon, 1993). Use of deadly weapons on fleeing criminal was abolished in 1995. Shooting of Doyle in the back was the use of excessive force, the de facto excessive force. The Castle Doctrine and â€Å"stand-your-ground† criminal defenses are the favorable defenses for individuals charged with murder cases. Castle Doctrine is a communal law doctrine that state that a discrete person has no duty to flight when in his or her homegrown, or in his â€Å"castle,† and may use sensible strength, including lethal force, to defend his or her property, being, or other issues at hand. Outside of the â€Å"castle,† or home, however, an individual has a duty

The British Royal Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The British Royal Family - Essay Example The Queen Elizabeth II alone is the patron of 600 charity organizations. Many members of the Royal Family are engaged in official relations with Force Units. The Queen promotes national unity and support overseas economic and diplomatic ties. Introduction: The grandeur of the British Royal Family continues to fascinate people around the world. Regardless of the fact that the Royal Family is a burden on the national treasury, as British citizens have to pay an exorbitant cost for their maintenance, no one in England has the power to abolish the British Crown. Such is the power and the influence of the Royal Family. One of the primary reasons why no one has the authority to overthrow the monarchy is the fact that the British system has evolved in such a way that its sovereign authority flows through the Royal Family. The members of the British Royal Family are close relatives of the United Kingdom’s monarch. The Queen and the other members of the British Royal Family conduct the ir activities in strict accordance with the British Law. In overseas British territories, Governors, Commissioners and Administrators, represent the Queen and the other members of the British Royal family. The Queen is the Head of the association of 53 independent countries known as the Commonwealth. Moreover, 15 Commonwealth Realms have the Queen as the Head of State. (PERKIN, L.1992). Role and Effectiveness of the Royal Family: The picture perfect Royal Family displays an immaculate attitude which is vital for earning respect from the Britain citizens and this is the very reason why The Queen and her family members exhibit a royalty behavior. It is absolutely essential to behave aristocratically in an effort to earn national and international respect. The effectiveness of the Royal Family is mirrored by the fact that if the Royal members bring shame to themselves, then inevitably the respect for Britain and its citizens would diminish worldwide. Through out the British history, th e monarch has been represented by the Royal Family members in many ways including as viceroys. In modern England, the British Royal Family performs ceremonial and social duties both inside and outside England. (RABLEY, S.1990). Apart from these duties, the Royal Family has no substantial role in the constitutional matters of England. The primary objective of the Royal Family members is to support The Queen in carrying out numerous duties for the State and attending important charitable and public services. Over the years, the impeccable and influential attitude of The Queen has played an important role in strengthening national unity. Moreover, The Queen together with the members of her family performs essential roles for national stability of Britain. The Queen’s children and their spouses are responsible to undertake official duties. On the other hand, the younger members of The Queen’s family are not burdened with the responsibilities of performing official duties b ut are trained to represent the Royal Family on official events, State events and important commemorations. (Macmillan 1991). According to the official list in the Court Circular, the Monarch and other Commonwealth Realms conduct more than 2000 official events each year, both in the UK and around the world. The Queen is regarded as the Head of the State and her presence is vital in Royal events and ceremonies both on national and international levels. Occasions such as the State Opening of Parliament and Garter

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Low-risk 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Low-risk 3 - Essay Example Their rights were even taken off their own property. If married, men would have the right to take the decision about the divorce any time. They were not even provided with proper standard of living, no matter which status they belonged to, they were always treated cruelly with no luxuries of life, and in some cases, not even complete necessities of life until in 1848, a number of 30 men and more than 150 women gathered at Seneca Falls, New York, in order to protest for the rights of women. It was after that, that the women were given their rights. Seneca Falls declaration proposed that all such laws should be abolished which are against the rights of the women. These laws included the laws of happiness of women, it said at first, that any such law that is stated against the comfort, pleasure, luxuries and happiness of women shall not exist. Further, no authority shall force women to against her will or conscience. Women are equal to men, as this message is of the Creator of all human beings. Therefore, any woman should not, in any case, be treated wickedly and forced to declare that she is happy and contented with her life. Moreover, women shall be provided with all the necessities of life, including freedom to proper education and anything else that she wishes to do. Women shall be treated delicately and shall not be made fun of. Finally, women are equal to men in every sense, bearing same responsibilities and same capabilities; therefore it is the right of every wom an to promote any noble cause for the welfare of the society. (Martin

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business ethics - Research Paper Example Business ethics is defined as the rules that govern the operation of an organization. Every business operates with a view of making profits. A business that adopts an ethical approach to their operations are more profitable than those that lack a clearly stipulated code of conduct (Weiss 72). Therefore, it is necessary for those businesses aiming to raise their profits to adopt and set an ethical approach that will govern the conduct of the employees and their mangers to enhance discipline and integrity. The levels of business ethics Business ethics is classified into the following three classes; the macro level, the individual and the corporate level. The macro level of business ethics defines and stipulates the role of business in the international fraternity. It further elaborates the different political and social systems like the free enterprise, centrally planned economies among others. The business tends to differentiate between ethical and unethical; this is usually called th e proper behavior at this level. Finally, this level defines the international ties and the role of business on the international scale (Weiss 74). The corporate level brings out the corporate social responsibility (CSR). This is usually defined as the obligations that different companies and business have in society, for example, education, health and others. This level also discusses the ethical issues facing individual and corporate entities (both private and public) when formulating and implementing strategies (Weiss 75). At this level, the behavior of employees both inside and outside the business is also checked. This is done to avoid mistrust, abuse of office and the separation of ownership within the management team, which is checked against business and personal interest. The individual level looks at the behavior and actions of individuals within organizations. An individual’s business ethics may be reliant on the personality, peer pressure, and the socio-political environment in which the person is exposed to. Importance of business ethics Business ethics can be regarded as an essential factor in the world of businesses. Ethics apply in all stages of development, starting from the production of a product, sales and marketing, customer handling, and finance. The role played at every stage is crucial in enhancing business success and gaining of corporate social responsibility. Therefore, it is critical for every business to adopt some ethics in its operations (Weiss 75). Every business strives to maintain the integrity in the face of the customer in an effort to build loyalty and respectful clientele relationships. It is also crucial to maintain goodwill of the business and to control the returns or try to maintain those returns, which in the long run bring the lasting solutions of the business success. The ethics also define the way the customer’s issues are handled, especially in the case of complains and seeking professional advice (W eiss 75). The customer tends to be influenced more by the services than the product a business is providing; therefore, handling such issues becomes a crucial issue for the business. When this is done ethically, the business creates a customer base, which is not easy to achieve without business ethics. It is essential for every wing or department to adopt an ethical strategy in various business responsibilities. This should extend to the various stakeholders including shareholders, employees and the community at large. Sometimes, it is hard

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Learning and Development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Learning and Development - Coursework Example Another issue is the challenge of providing expert training from a centralized resource. There is need to centralize and diversify training programs from the headquarters to the branch offices. This will cut down on costs of training and effectiveness at the branch offices. Another issue facing the Ventura organization is the need to deliver training against very tight timetables. This is because when anew client is acquired there is a need to deliver the requirements needed by the customer in a timely manner without the client experiencing any level of uncertainty as relates to service provision according to Harrison (2009, p. 29) By allowing employees to attend conferences that focus on topics of relevance to their position and the organization and ensuring that the organization have the employee make a presentation to other staff as a way of promoting the individuals learning experience and as a way of enhancing the organization. This should act as some form of off-the-job learning. By selecting the best of these opportunities and coming up with critical incident notes for staff to learn from and apply in their daily work life. For example a case of a client complaint that was handled effectively. By writing a brief summary of the incident and identifying the employees actions that led to a successful resolution and then sharing the notes with the employee involved and with others as appropriate. Alternately, if the situation was not handled well, it is again important to write a brief description of the incident plus identifying areas for improvement. Fieldtrips can be seen as an off-the-job activity. It is important to do a follow up the field trip by having staff share and explain to the rest what they have learned and how they can apply that learning to the organization. There are several tools can be made available to employees to help them perform better in their jobs. These tools can range from; manuals, procedural guidelines,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Communication Among Project Stakeholders Article

Communication Among Project Stakeholders - Article Example Even though the stakeholder communication plan is not inherently a business plan, yet somehow it helps in achieving an organization’s business goals which is a significant proposition. This stakeholder communication article has discussed why such a plan would be deemed as handy when the talk goes out loud regarding getting the task done and to inform, educate and persuade for an action on the part of the stakeholders. The need is to be crystal clear at every stage and do what is essentially required, in order to satisfy the organizational goals and objectives. This article has also highlighted how a framework for the communications planning regime would be mandatory for outlining such communication mechanisms. This would be a much needed entity as it resolves disputes and takes care of any altercations which may arise at any stage. Hence the article has zeroed in on how a stakeholder communications plan is a pre-requisite for reaching out to the stakeholders and how different organizations are doing their best to make that happen amicably. One of the most beneficial points behind the stakeholder communications plan and its drafting is that it brings each one of the important players on to a single platform that eventually has a residual and long term effect in the overall scheme of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Natural hazard in Japan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Natural hazard in Japan - Term Paper Example Natural hazards or disasters that Japan is frequently subjected to experience include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, heavy torrential rains, typhoons, and heavy snow (Kingston, 2012 pg. 216). Every year in Japan, there are great loses of peoples’ lives and property due to natural hazards. Until 1950s numerous large scale typhoons and earthquakes caused thousands of casualties and extensive damages. However, though the causes of disaster are natural and cannot be within anyone’s control, the disasters damage have been shown to be on a tendency which is declining even if the natural disasters are still occurring. Japan and its economy have been through series of naturally hazardous occurrences. The Japan economy, according to the statistical economy figures released in 2011, shrank by 3.7% in the first period of 2011. Such an economic shrinking tipped the country in to a recession. The economic crisis also disrupted the Japan’s political life. This was illustrated by incidence of Mr. Kan starving being starved off through a vote of no confidence. The action gave a deep insight of division between the government of Mr. Kan and the alliance of bureaucrats that has dominated the public life of Japan for decade (Kingston, 2012 pg. 254). There are overwhelming human and economic losses due the natural hazard that are experienced by Japan. Japan was estimated to have lost 5% of stock in the capital as a result of disasters and hazards. After initially playing economic impact down as a result of the March 2011 earthquake, there was an announcement by the government that Japan had officially fallen into recession following the tsunami and the soon followed nuclear disaster. The GDP of the country fell by 0.9% in the quarter of January to March and 3.7% annualized retreat. Insurance companies in the economy have been hit hard. This is because more than 400000 claims on damages of properties were made while many survivors say that they had no insurance


MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Essay Module I Nature and scope of Management; evolution of management- Schools of management thought; F.W.Taylor and Henry Fayol; principles of management; management as a science and an art; management process. Folk management and its application in the modern era Evolution of management thought. Module II Functions of management- planning: planning premises; types of plan; planning process; Organization – Theories, types, importance, organization structure- Line and Staff functions Conflicts; centralization and decentralization; delegation; types, principles, elements, Coordination, Directing – Supervision, Communication. Module III Directing – motivation, leadership – Theories; importance – Controlling principles – Dynamics of Groups at work, work group behavoiur and productivity; work and motivation Manager vs. leader; leadership and motivation; leadership styles; theories of motivation. MBO: team creation and Management ; Module 1V Organizational learning and knowledge management Time management. Module V Management of Change – importance, objectives and methods – Role of leadership Transformational management. Books: 1. Koontz, H and Weihrich, H: Management, McGraw Hill Inc, New York, 1995. 2. Drucker, Peter, F: Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices, Allied Publishers, New Delhi 2004. 3. Betman, Thomas S and Snell, Scott A.: Management: Competing in the New Era, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2003. 4. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Principles of Management: Text and Cases, Pearson, 2012 5. Stoner et al. Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1996. 6. Stephen P Robbins, and Mary Coulter, Management, Pearson, 2003. Pre requisite: DROPBOX ACCOUNT. Download Principles of management by F.W.Taylor from iBook and Read. EVERY ALTERNATE SESSION WILL CONTAIN PRESENTATION BY STUDENTS TO EVALUATE THE LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING OF PREVIOUS SESSIONS. SESSIONS Topics Methodology Outcome Remarks 1 Introduction; Two way study pattern; Exam and application level, Syllabus and recommended books Understand exam pattern, Evaluation pattern, Teaching Methodology. 2 Evolution of management BBC Interactive flash on Egyptian Pyramid construction, PPT Virtual difficulty and importance of management. 3 Nature and scope of Management Discussion based on previous session Virtual difficulty and importance of management. 4 to 6 Schools of management thought F.W.Taylor, PPT, Lectures and discussion F.W.Taylor ipad book , To Understand the real Application in Industry. 7 to 9 Henry Fayol; principles of management PPT, Lean bicycle factory software, Lectures and discussion To Understand the real Application in Industry. 10 Management as a science and an art Debate Incubate the thought process. 11-13 Folk management and its application in the modern era Explore, lecture, Assignment1: Identify folk management at local level and look it as a business opportunity. Explore the innovative folk management as an business opportunity 14 Functions of management VS Business Functions. Concept clarity through examples Understand the basic difference between the two terminologies. 15 to 17 Class test Module 1 Written examination Preparation for University exam 18 to 21 Planning: planning premises; types of plan; planning process Lecture and Assignment2: Prepare a plan to start up a small grocery store. Application of planning. 22 to 25 Organization – Theories, types, importance, organization structure- Line and Staff functions Conflicts; Ppt lecture and discussion Assignment3 Get an organization Structure of an existing firm and justify changes you will like to make Understanding Pros and cons of organization structure 26-27 Centralization and decentralization Domino’case study Application in real context 28-29 Delegation; types, principles, elements, Coordination, Hospital as an example Ppt lecture and discussion Application in real context 30-31 Directing – Supervision, Communication Lecture ppt example Understand the importance of relationship between subordinates 32-33 Directing – motivation, Ppt lecture and discussion Motivation theory and its application areas Applicability in Marketing and HR 34-36 Leadership – Theories; importance Ppt lecture and discussion Application of these theories 37-39 Class Test Module 2 Written examination Preparation for University exam 40-42 Controlling principles Why Controlling need? Understand the importance of Controlling 43-45 Dynamics of Groups at work, work group behaviour and productivity; work and motivation Ppt lecture and discussion and group based activities Realize the importance of team work 46-48 Manager vs. leader; leadership and motivation; leadership styles; theories of motivation. MBO: team creation and Management ; Ppt lecture and discussion and Debate on the best styles Understand Which type of style when and where to use 49 Organizational learning and knowledge management Time management. Ppt lecture and discussion Understand that it is a continuous lifelong process Class Test Module 3 Written examination Preparation for University exam 50-51 Management of Change – importance, objectives and methods – Ppt lecture and discussion Able to Tackle the change 52-53 Role of leadership Transformational management. Ppt lecture and discussion Understand Which type of style when and where to use 54-56 Class Test All Modules Written examination Preparation for University exam 57-60 Revision Individual presentation

Monday, July 22, 2019

Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare Essay â€Å"I am always directed by you† – Mariana â€Å"I am directed by you† – Isabella. Both these lines are addressed to the Duke. What do they suggest about women status in this play? What other evidence can you find to support your view? Measure for Measure is a play written by William Shakespeare in the seventeenth century which crucially presents the role of women. Women were viewed as pure and were not expected to be promiscuous, but dependent on men with few options or choices. Shakespeare’s interpretation of women in Measure for Measure very much reflects society’s opinion of women at the time, where men had more freedom and should be given more respect than women. The society at that time was a patriarchal one, where a male was a considered a God like figure and ultimately the leader, and below him was the king and then the nobles. However, although the society gave men more rights than women, Measure for Measure demonstrates that men also had more responsibilities. This is shown through the situation with Claudio and Juliet, as although they are both equally to blame for Juliets pregnancy, it is Claudio facing the death penalty. The women of Measure for Measure are generally quite low in the ranks of importance and respect; they are not spoken of with any importance. Juliet is the object of Claudios sexual release and Mariana is the long lost forgotten fiancee of Angelo, who was abandoned by him when she lost her dowry in a shipwreck. The only woman who kind of breaks the trend of the lowly women is Isabella, who has the courage to stand up to Angelo for her chastity. In the first half she is pushed between Angelo and Claudio while she decides what to do and refuses to respond Angelo’s advances, then in the second half, she takes her orders from the Duke which shows that on the other hand she is still obedient toward the Duke, following all of his instructions. In Act V, Scene 1, the Duke shows his opinion of women when talking to Mariana, he says: â€Å"Why, you are nothing then: neither maid, widow nor wife†. According to the Duke’s point of view, the other woman who truly is free is Mistress Overdone as she earns her own money and is able to get some freedom; at least she doesn’t have to stay at home cooking. The main female character in Measure for Measure is Isabella; she represents a very pure female character. This is first seen at the start of the play by the fact that she is training to become a nun and by the strong Christian values she appears to have. This is then emphasized later when she is told her brothers life will be saved if he agrees to sleep with Angelo. She refuses this offer, placing her chastity and her Christian values above her own life. This illustrates that a womans purity is highly valued, while a woman being promiscuous is not accepted. Mariana is another female character in the play and she is quite different to Isabella. None of these three men, Angelo, Claudio or the Duke, seem to think that her Choice matters- her body is to be bargained for whether for lust, life or love. When the duke asks Mariana to allow him a private discussion with Isabella, she replies, I am always bound to you, as if she is speaking to an old friend. And again, when the duke tells her he respects her, she answers that she knows it and has found it to be true, suggesting a long-term relationship. This statement also shows that she is his subject. The adjective bound means that she is obliged to do as he wishes and also compelled to do so. She uses the adverb always to him which shows that she will always follow his example and will do his will in any condition. Her absolute trust is manifested when she agrees to entrust her chastity as the Friar asks. In the Jacobean society Shakespeare lived in, women would have always done as they were bid by order of men, but especially if the order was given by a man of religion. These words show the absolute compliance that the Duke is able to gain through becoming a disguise (pseudo-)friar. The Duke abuses this religious power to gain insight into peoples souls for his own ends. He knows that Angelo wishes Isabella to give up the treasures of her body and uses the two women to gain more power over Angelo. The same applies to when Isabella says to the Duke, â€Å"I am directed by you†, this statement also shows how women respected men and how men were above in authority. As mentioned above, there are no independent women in Measure for Measure, this is not strange, considering the setting and Shakespeare’s own era; there are prostitutes and nuns who are given no chance to control their own lives most of all they seem to have no choice in any matter.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Firm Level Characteristics

Impact of Firm Level Characteristics Abstract Organizational performance has attracted scholarly attention in corporate finance literature over the several decades. However, in the context of insurance sector, it has received a little attention. Current study examines the impact of firm level characteristics (size, leverage, tangibility, risk, growth, liquidity and age) on performance of listed life insurance companies of Pakistan over seven years from 2001 to 2007. The results of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis indicate that size, risk and leverage are important determinants of performance of life insurance companies of Pakistan while ROA has statistically insignificant relationship with growth, profitability, age and liquidity. Keywords: performance, firm level characteristics, life insurance companies. Introduction The performance of any firm not only plays the role to increase the market value of that specific firm but also leads towards the growth of the whole industry which ultimately leads towards the overall prosperity of the economy. Measuring the performance of insurers has gained the importance in the corporate finance literature because as intermediaries , these companies are not only providing the mechanism of risk transfer but also helps to channelizing the funds in an appropriate way to support the business activities in the economy . Insurance companies have importance both for businesses and individuals as they indemnify the losses and put them in the same positions as they were before the occurrence of the loss. In addition, insurers provide economic and social benefits in the society i.e. prevention of losses, reduction in anxiousness, fear and increasing employment. Therefore, the current business world without insurance companies is unsustainable because risky businesses have not a capacity to retain all types of risk in current extremely uncertain environment. For the past six decades, Pakistani life insurance companies have shown the impressive progress which not only creates the employment opportunities but also enhances the business activities in the economy. Financial statistics reported the phenomenal growth of Pakistani life insurance companies as these companies comprise 52% and 69% share of entire (life plus non-life) insurance market in terms of net premiums and assets (Insurance Year Book, 2007). In addition, the premium of these life insurers increased by 36% in 2007 (Insurance Year Book, 2007) shows the remarkable progress of life insurance sector of Pakistan. Therefore, what determines the performance of the life insurance industry is an important discussion for the regulators and policy makers to support the sector in achieving the excellence so that desirable economic fruits could be reaped from the help of the life insurance sector of Pakistan. Literature Review The Determinants of performance have been extensively studied in corporate finance literature from the last several decades. For instance; by selecting the sample of US banks, Berger (1995) investigated the impact of capital asset ratio on return on equity. He concluded that capital asset ratio has a positive relationship with profitability. Anghazo (1997) examined the impact of firm level characteristics on US bank net interest margin. The results documented that bank interest margin positively related with leverage, opportunity cost, and default risk and management efficiency. Neeley and Wheelock (1997) explored the determinants of profitability of commercial banks and find that profitability positively related with changes in per capita income. To investigate the performance of banks (Naceur Goaied, 2001)used the sample of Tunisian banks over the period of 1980 to 1995. They advocated that the banks who tried to maintain their high deposits and improve their capital and labor productivity are performed well. Guru et al. (2002) examined the determinants of performance of Malaysian banks over the 10 years period from 1986 to 1995. For this purpose, they selected both micro and macro level characteristics. The results revealed that inflation positively while efficient expense management and high interest rate negatively related with profitability. The results of Goddard et al. (2004) showed that Profit is an important prerequisite for future growth of banks and the banks that maintain a high capital assets ratio tend to grow slowly. A study conducted by the (Sufian Parman, 2009)to investigate the determinants of profitability by selecting the non-commercial banks financial institutions. The findings indicated that credit risk and loan intensity negatively related with profitability while large size and financial institutions with high operational expenses tended to high profitability ratio. (Hakim Neaime, 2005) Observed that liquidity, current capital and investment are the important determinants of banks profitability. (Aburime, 2006) Identified the firm level determinants of profitability of Nigerian banks over the five years period from 2000 to 2004. He concluded that credit portfolio, size, capital size and ownership concentration are important determinants of Nigerian banks. (Kosmidou, 2008) showed that money supply growth has insignificant impact on profitability while GDP and stock market capitalization to assets are significant and have negative relation with the ROA. (Asimakopoulos, Samitas, Papadogo nas, 2009) illustrated that Firms profitability is positively affected by size, sales growth and investment. On the other hand, leverage and current assets negatively related with profitability. Severeral studies also have been conducted to measure the performance of the insurance compnies. For instance; Sloan, A and Conover, J.(1998) deduced that functional status of insurers do not affect the profitability of being insured but public coverage have significant impact on profitability of insurance companies. Chen and Wong ( 2004) examined that size, investment, liquidity are the important determinants of financial health of insurance companies. Chen et al.( 2009) examined the determinants of profitability and the results showed that profitability of insurance companies decreased with the increase in equity ratio. In addition, insurance companies must have to diversify their investment and use effective hedging techniques which help them to create better financial revenues. Research Methodology Sample and Data Currently, there are five life insurance companies operating in Pakistan and all these five companies are selected to measuring their performance over the period of seven years from 2001 to 2007. For this purpose, financial data has been collected from financial statements (Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss a/c) of insurance companies and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Insurance Year Bookà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? which is published by Insurance Association of Pakistan. Model PR = ÃŽÂ ²0 + ÃŽÂ ²1 (LG) + ÃŽÂ ²2 (TA) + ÃŽÂ ²3 (SZ) + ÃŽÂ ²4 (LQ) + ÃŽÂ ²5 (AG) + ÃŽÂ ²6 (RK) + ÃŽÂ ²7 (GR) + ÃŽÂ µ Where: PR = Performance (Net income before interest and tax divided by total assets) LG = Leverage (Total debts divided by total assets) TA = Tangibility (Fixed assets divided by total assets) SZ = Size (Log of premiums) LQ = Liquidity (Current assets divided by current liabilities) AG = Age (Difference b/w observation year and establishment year) RK = Risk (standard deviation of ratio of total claims to total premiums) GR = Growth (Percentage change in premiums) ÃŽÂ µ = the error term Descriptive Statistics Table 4.1 presents descriptive analysis of the firm level characteristic associated with life insurance sector. This study considers performance as dependent variable whereas leverage, size, growth, tangibility, liquidity, age and risk as independent variables. The industry average is provided by mean along with are the minima and maxima for respective year while standard deviation indicates the inter-industry variation of the variables value within the respective year. Table 4.1 indicates that the minimum value of industry mean of leverage is 0.79 in 2004 and 2007 while the mean value is at its maximum level in 2006 at 0.84.The maximum variation in leverage is observed in 2007 valuing at 0.30 and minimum is found in 2003 at 0.19. The variable size constantly shows the increasing trend from year 2001 to 2007. The mean value of size is at maximum level in 2007 i.e. 7.51 whereas minimum mean value for size is observed at 6.02 in 2001. In addition, the inter industry variation is minimum in 2001 at 2.12. Table 4.1 also shows that growth of Pakistani life insurance companies is not consistent in all seven years and mean value of growth is reached 34.84 in 2007 from 11.53 which is observed in 2001. The mean value of performance (dependent variable) is maximum in 2007 valuing at 0.07 and the minimum value is observed in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005 at 0.02. The standard deviation is also not very high i.e. around 0.02 as compare to other variables except in the year 2007 in which it touches it maximum of 0.07. Table 4.2 also provides descriptive results of tangibility, liquidity, age and risk for the period of seven years from 2001 to 2007 for the life insurance sector of Pakistan. The mean values and standard deviations of tangibility is around 0.03 and 0.02 respectively in all seven years from 2001 to 2007.The mean values of liquidity are indicating an increasing trend from the minimum of 1.70 in 2001 to the maximum value at 6.36 in 2007. The standard deviation is also establishing an increasing trend from a minimum value of 0.76 in 2001 to a maximum value of 8.63 in 2007.The mean value of risk is at its lowest level in 2003 at 0.58 with a minimum standard deviation of 0.45 while these values have reached their maximum level in 2007 i.e. 6.35 and 6.51 respectively. Analysis Table 4.2 reports the results of regression analysis in which seven independent variables are regressed by using the data of life insurance sector of Pakistan from 2001 to 2007. The value of R square (0.816) indicates that performance of life insurance companies is nearly 82% dependent on independent variables i.e. size, leverage, growth, tangibility, age, risk and liquidity. Therefore, performance is mainly defined by these seven variables of life insurers in Pakistan over seven years. Table 4.2 indicates that leverage is negatively and significantly related with the performance of the life insurance companies. This predicts that the performance of highly levered Pakistani life insurance companies is not up to the mark. Table 4.2 also shows that coefficient of variable size is positive and statistically significant at 1% level. This predicts that performance of large size life insurance companies is better than small size companies. The negative coefficient of growth indicates a negative relationship between growth and performance. However, this negative relationship is found to be statistically insignificant with the p-value of 0.809. Therefore, growth is not considered as a proper explanatory variable of performance in life insurance sector. The beta values of explanatory variables tangibility and liquidity are 0.507 and 0.001 respectively with the positive coefficient sign. However, tangibility and liquidity are not statistically significant with the large p-values. Therefore, tangibility and liquidity are not Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta (Constant) .010 .051 .204 .841 Leverage -.265 .090 -1.579 -2.940 .008* Size .038 .009 1.722 4.120 .001* Growth -4.69 .000 -.032 -.245 .809 Tangibility .507 .367 .183 1.382 .183 Liquidity .001 .003 .058 .205 .840 Age -.003 .003 -.235 -1.169 .257 Risk .004 .002 .374 1.903 .072** considered a powerful explanatory variable to define the performance of life insurance companies in Pakistan over seven years. Negative coefficient of variable age specifies the Table: 4.2 Regression Coefficients Their Significance level R Square 0.816 Adjusted R Square 0.749 F statistics 12.062 * Significant at 1% level **Significant at 10% level ______________________________________ negative relationship between performance and age of the Pakistani life insurance companies. However, the relationship between performance and age is statistically insignificant. Table 4.2 indicates that the coefficient of variable risk is positive and statistically significant at 10% level. According to the nature of insurance industry, ratio of total claims to total premiums (loss ratio) is used as a proxy to measure the risk of the life insurance companies in Pakistan. Positive sign shows a positive relationship between performance and risk of the insurance companies i.e. performance increases with the increase of loss ratio. Conclusion The current study investigates the impact of firm level characteristics on performance of the life insurance sector of Pakistan over the period of seven years from 2001 to 2007. For this purpose, size, profitability, age, risk, growth and tangibility are selected as explanatory variables while ROA is taken as dependent variable. The results of OLS regression analysis reveal that leverage, size and risk are most important determinant of performance of life insurance sector whereas ROA has statistically insignificant relationship with profitability, growth, tangibility and liquidity. TABLE 4.1: Descriptive Statistics Years Leverage Size Growth Performance Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max 2001 0.80 0.21 0.45 0.99 6.02 2.12 3.06 8.93 11.53 11.90 3.22 32.39 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 2002 0.81 0.20 0.47 0.99 6.21 2.11 3.29 9.07 22.21 23.52 3.68 60.99 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 2003 0.82 0.19 0.51 0.99 6.50 2.08 3.57 9.20 37.18 32.62 8.30 90.71 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 2004 0.79 0.24 0.38 0.99 6.68 2.09 3.56 9.31 22.20 27.93 -1.78 61.16 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.05 2005 0.83 0.21 0.47 0.99 6.95 2.03 3.96 9.53 31.18 10.30 24.97 48.98 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.05 2006 0.84 0.20 0.49 0.99 7.21 2.02 4.24 9.68 31.79 26.14 3.74 72.78 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.06 2007 0.79 0.30 0.26 1.00 7.51 2.06 4.50 10.03 34.82 9.25 22.44 45.66 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.17 TABLE 4.1 (Continued): Descriptive Statistics Years Tangibility Liquidity Age Risk Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD Min Max 2001 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.06 1.70 0.76 1.07 2.65 16.60 20.40 6.00 53.00 1.92 1.33 0.70 3.94 2002 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.06 1.73 0.86 1.14 3.01 17.60 20.40 7.00 54.00 0.83 0.47 0.40 1.34 2003 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.05 2.18 1.11 1.22 3.72 18.60 20.40 8.00 55.00 0.58 0.45 0.18 1.34 2004 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.04 2.24 1.77 1.09 4.85 19.60 20.40 9.00 56.00 3.34 3.08 0.00 7.23 2005 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.04 3.02 2.26 1.15 5.94 20.60 20.40 10.00 57.00 4.70 2.15 1.23 6.36 2006 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 3.98 2.72 1.36 7.37 21.60 20.40 11.00 58.00 3.60 3.86 0.51 9.72 2007 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.05 6.36 8.63 1.33 16.33 22.60 20.40 12.00 59.00 6.35 6.51 1.78 16.00 Table: 4.2 Regression Coefficients Their Significance level Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta (Constant) .010 .051 .204 .841 Leverage -.265 .090 -1.579 -2.940 .008* Size .038 .009 1.722 4.120 .001* Growth -4.69 .000 -.032 -.245 .809 Tangibility .507 .367 .183 1.382 .183 Liquidity .001 .003 .058 .205 .840 Age -.003 .003 -.235 -1.169 .257 Risk .004 .002 .374 1.903 .072** R Square 0.816 Adjusted R Square 0.749 F statistics 12.062 * Significant at 1% level **Significant at 10% level

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The American Society Of Criminology Essay -- Criminology FBI Expositor

The American Society Of Criminology â€Å"AHHHHhhhhh!† I let out a girlish scream and squirmed as shivers went strait up my spine. I was glued to the latest episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, a show that I have watched religiously since its debut. Criminology is something that has always fascinated me, and is a career that I hope to pursue in the future as an FBI agent. I frequently surf the web looking for short stories to read about different criminal cases and to find information about job opportunities and internships. One day I found a website of an organization that studied crime independently of the government. I was immediately intrigued by the organization, and began reading about the American Society of Criminology. â€Å"The American Society of Criminology is an international organization dedicated to the study of criminology† (ASC homepage). The societies purpose is to educate, research, and study the various aspects of the science, and to transmit ideas and information of criminological development and theories into governmental practices. There are five divisions of the organization, the Division on Corrections and Sentencing, the Division of Critical Criminology, the Division of International Criminology, the Division of People of Color and Crime, and the Division of Women and Crime. Each division has its own individual focus and purpose, as well as an independent website. The Organization as a whole, the American Society of Criminology or ASC, was founded on December 30, 1941, when seven College professors of Political Science and Public Administration joined together â€Å"for the purpose of furthering college police training and standardizing police training curricula.† (American Society of Crimino... should be checked out by anyone interested in the various studies of criminology. Works Cited The American Society of Criminology homepage The American Society of Criminology: The Division of Corrections and Sentencing 02 July. 2003 The American Society of Criminology: The Division of Color and Crime 28 Sept. 1999 The American Society of Criminology: The Division of International Criminology 07 Feb. 2003 The American Society of Criminology: The Division of Women and Crime August 2000 The American Society of Criminology: The Divisions of Critical Criminology September 2003

How Is Violence In The Media Perceived In Society Essay -- essays rese

The world today has a variety of problems and violence is one of the most prominent. It is seen on the front page of the newspaper and as the â€Å"Top Story† on the eleven o’clock news. Unfortunately, it is also widely used for entertainment purposes. In the New York Times a 1998 article by Faye Fiore stated: "On average last year, one act of serious brutality was found for every four minutes of entertainment." Today, violence is a major part of electronic games, television, and the film industry. Violence becomes such an everyday scene for us that many believe it desensitizes us to the real world. That is why the majority of the time violence is perceived as the cause of many of society’s ills. One individual who feels this way is the author John Grisham. John Grisham had a friend who was killed by two young lovers whom he believed were influenced by the Oliver Stone film â€Å"Natural Born Killers†. This belief was not unsubstantiated. The young female said that the two lovers watched the film shortly before embarking on their journey. She said that her boyfriend was greatly influenced by the film. Grisham was extremely angry at the way the killers’, Micky and Mallory, violent lifestyles were glamorized in the film. Grisham felt that this type of glamorization leads the youth of America to approve of this type of lifestyle. Oliver Stone disagreed with Grisham. Stone believes that violence is in some instances necessary for an artist to get the point of his work across. He believes that an artist’s freedom of speech allows him to do whatever he wants to in his work regardless of the social implications. Stone condones violence in the media. Another area of the media where violence is perceived as entertainment is the electronic gaming industry. There is a game called Soldier of Fortune which was is scheduled to be released soon in the US. This game is designed along the same lines as games such as DOOM and Quake; but it has one important difference it is often advertised as one of the most violently realistic games ever. Shots to the head result in a variety of results such as caved in faces, heads split in half, heads with the top removed exposing the brain, and complete removal of the head all together. Needless to say this is one of the most highly anticipated gam... and fires with his automatic weapon. The level-headed member of the group fires one shot at this man scoring a direct hit. Needless to say, the two (one?) men are able to take over the ship and rescue the hostages kept below deck. This movie gives a very unrealistic view of violence where the good guys always win and where they can commit any violent act they want and they do not have to face any consequences. The two main characters commit a ridiculous amount of murders yet they walk off into the sunset with little if anything said to them. This movie only portrays violence as bad when committed by the bad guys. In general, violence is mainly perceived as entertainment. But as stated earlier the perception of the violence depends greatly on the viewer, reader, or listener. Although the use of violence for entertainment can have harmful effects on the youth who experience it, it is up to the parents to regulate and moderate what their children watch. They can’t use the television for a babysitter and then complain about how the violence on TV affects them. They must be active in raising their own kids, because good parenting starts with the parent.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Domestic Terrorism Essay -- Violent Crime National Terror Essays

Domestic Terrorism National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be defined as visible crime, or â€Å"street crime.† These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well-being of society and challenger accepted moral principles) It can also however be described as political crime, (criminal acts by or against the government for ideological purposes) which would include the 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This article directly relates to the definition of sociology, which is the systematic study of social behavior and human groups. This news item is sociological because it focuses on terrorism which is an act of violence (social/deviant behavior) against a person, group, or an entire nation (human groups). This article focuses on the behavior of domestic terrorist groups or gangs of people such as â€Å"the white supremacists, anti government types, militia members, eco-terrorists and people that hate corporations.† [1] â€Å"They include violent anti-abortionists and black and brown nationalists who envision a separate state for blacks and Latinos.† [1] Throughout this article I will use domestic terrorist groups as the name for the groups listed above. (hate groups, etc.) Many sociological concepts can be applied to this news article; however there are four specific ones which I feel are the best, which are social structure, roles, deviance and social control. Every society has a social structure, which is the way in which a society is organized into predictable/patterned relationships. This relates directly to the human groups, i.e. white supremacists etc. discussed in the news article. When you belong to such a group you stand for something, and the people that occupy the group consider it their own society in which they make their own rules and regulations. They take on different roles which are deviant to our society but acceptable to theirs. In the case of this article these groups all plan and/or commit violent acts against people or other groups because they believe it’s acceptable, which according to us would be orga... ... a mailing list. This would include each organization being sent a packet including the survey (however formatted), and a letter requesting their participation. Then, over a period of time monitor which organizations respond and which do not. Of the ones that don’t respond, a letter of reminder or even another packet could be sent back to the organization. After that, another letter could be sent but it should probably stop at that point, as the organizations probably don’t want to respond. In conclusion domestic terrorism is recognized by all law enforcement agencies as a â€Å"problem.† They all agree that this issue needs to be deeply looked at and that efforts to counter domestic terrorism must develop quickly. Although, in the article â€Å"police say the number of people arrested for plotting domestic terrorist acts is greater than the number of people arrested for actually carrying out the terrorist acts,†[1] there is still lots of work to be done on the issue. There should be an equal amount of focus on national and domestic terrorism in our country. References: [1] Copeland, Larry. â€Å"Domestic Terrorism: New trouble at home.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  USA TODAY 15 Nov. 2004, natl. ed. : 1A – 2A

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Neil Armstrong

One Giant Leap -A hero we shall always remember-Neil Armstrong â€Å"One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind†. These were the exact words of Neil A. Armstrong as he took mankind’s first step on another planet. Thousands of years have passed ever since man appeared on the face of planet earth, men have evolved, and with every evolution, men have grown smarter, men have created something useful and also achieved higher goals than their ancestors. Many have dreamed of setting foot on another planet out there, but none had the strength to follow their dream, thus it was a quest that no man ever dared venture.All but Armstrong and a few others out there, who had the heart, the dream, and the persistence to follow their dream. Armstrong ‘s legacy is known world-wide, he is considered as a hero in all our hearts, for he achieved the highest goal there could ever be by setting foot on a once alien planet, out of reach of any normal person. Armstrong’s whole dream of becoming an astronaut began at a very young age. At first, it was only an obsession with planes and pilots, like any other child. But in high school, he seemed to have set his own path for his life. All his spare time was used and focused on the subject of air and space.The first plane ride his father took with him seemed to have locked his heart on the idea of being a pilot, of devoting his life to the world of air and space. It sealed his ambition to pursue a life dedicated to air and space. After Armstrong went to University of Purdue, in his fourth year, the summons for him to begin his journey came. He was to be transferred to the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, California, to be fighter pilot. Therefore this was Neil Armstrong’s call to adventure, which leads to all his achievements later on whether for himself or for man-kind.After studying for a few years at the Air Station, Armstrong became a military qualified fighter pilot. He was sent to participate in the Korean War as a fighter pilot. His base was the aircraft carrier, ‘The Essex’. The War proved as a road of trials for Armstrong. During one of his bombing missions, he was hit by anti-aircraft fire. His plane was badly damaged with no chance of repair. Armstrong’s only way out was to eject, but that was another problem. The plane was far below the required height for a pilot to safely eject. In order to save himself and also not fall into enemy hands, everal things had to be done in the little time he had left. First of all, Armstrong had to pull the plane up to a safe height for him to safely eject, also, he had to control the plane to keep a continuous flight until he was out of enemy territory, for even if he ejected within enemy boundaries, he would still be caught and kept as prisoner. Several obstacles stood in his way, one was that his plane was badly damaged, including both engine thrusters; secondly, his speedometer and all the other gadgets on t he plane had all been disabled and lastly, his fuel tank was struck and was leaking oil.Any of these disastrous setbacks could cause certain deaths to any pilot, yet not for Armstrong. He did not panic at all; he simply switched to manual control and tried his best to bring the plane to a safer height. It was not that Armstrong was not afraid; it was because he knew that by panicking would only mean a definite death for him, whereas if he stayed calm, there might still be a chance for him to survive the devastating situation. In the end, Armstrong had escaped death’s grasp; he had pushed the bed-rugged plane to a safe height and also had brought it out of enemy territory.He had prevailed with his persistence in believing that he would live, he had also prevailed with his skills of flying and also his calmed thinking, which was the most essential part of his escaping the â€Å"Road of Trials† alive. With the reputation of an ace fighter who received a Korean Service Met al, and an air metal with two gold stars, Neil Armstrong was later chosen to be on the team of the first men to step foot on the moon. That was the journey that he took to which we can all relate to his name Neil A.Armstrong, for he was the first of our kind to set foot on the moon. To us, his journey to the moon had seemed peaceful, undisturbed, and trouble free, as if everything was going according to plan. No, that is what you are meant to see, in order to not create a world-wide panic. The true story is, after entering the orbit of the moon, the astronauts discovered that the face of the moon was dotted with craters some the size of ten football fields. The problem was apparent to the astronauts, the landing module the Eagle could not land at the scheduled set-down spot.Buzz and Collins were holding their breath, both very tense, but Armstrong was acting entirely different, he shut down all the disabled computers, switched the ship into manual mode, and started to scan the face of the moon for a safe landing spot. He searched carefully, no signs of panic showed on his face. If he didn’t find a place for them to land, the fuel for the return trip to Columbia would be impossible, which would mean tragic deaths for the three astronauts in outer space.Armstrong worked without blinking; if he had panicked then, their mission would be a failure and they would have to either return home empty handed or die there in the emptiness of the vast universe. Minutes passed, but Armstrong did not give up. In the end, his persistence paid off for he had spotted a safe place to land their landing module. Inside Armstrong, it was another story. Fear that was plain shown on others faces were trying to disturb his thinking. He would not let that happen, for that would put him and his companions in danger.This was the internal obstacle that he had to overcome. He had to take control of his fears, and it was this control that made him different than others, that made him a hero. What happened afterwards we all know by heart, the moment his foot touched the soft moon dust, he spoke to the world, making the unforgettable and significant speech â€Å"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind†, this was the â€Å"Ultimate Boon† of the journey that we were waiting for, for he had achieved his goal of his quest.This was the climax of the journey where all the practice had paid off; this was the moment when the hero gloried in the success of the journey. Armstrong’s improvising skills was most relevant throughout his journey. His entire career was full of surprises such as, machinery failure, computer shut-down and the fuel usage drained. These were both surprises and problems he had to deal with; at times he had to be on top of them within a few minutes for they were life-threatening matters.Faced with these problems, others might have only knelt down on their knees to pray asking god to give them a miracle but Armstrong take s things into his own hands; he thinks of ways around the problem even without the right tools or professional help he improvises. This is a remarkable gift and one of the best traits of Neil A. Armstrong because heroes will most definitely have to encounter difficulties along his/her journey, and if they know improvisation, then he/her will be able to solve the problem in their own way.Also, Armstrong has assurance in himself, confidence in his companions and the trusts he has for the scientists of NASA; therefore meaning that his life is in the hands of the scientists. Armstrong is very confident in his own skills, and he has always known that his journey to the moon would be a success. He had no second thoughts regarding failure, which is another way of showing trust in the people who work together to make this journey possible. Self-confidence is very important for a hero, for it enables him to stand tall against obstacles, and not shrink away.If Armstrong did not believe in him self, then the mission would have most definitely failed. For Armstrong, his courage gained him the strength to try the untried, and achieve the impossible. (Too much repetition of trust and confidence) Also, Armstrong’s persistence shone as a light throughout his journey. Starting in high school and all throughout his life, his persistence on achieving his dreams never faltered; during the flight to the moon, his persevering philosophy of, â€Å"trying without blinking† had found a safe spot to land on the moon for him and his colleagues.Without determination, Armstrong never would have gone this far. Thus was a hero of all times, a hero who is kind, smart, confident, a hero who had dreams, and was not afraid to chase after them; a hero who outdid every person on the planet, a hero who achieved the impossible, a hero that shall live on in our hearts. (a bit dramatic especially the â€Å"outdid every person on the planet†) His persistence to pursue his dreams we shall imitate, his contribution to society and the world we shall follow suit. We shall always have a part left out in our hearts, to honor our hero, Neil A. Armstrong. Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong lied about the famous â€Å"one small step for man† words he spoke as he became the first man to take a step on the moon, according to new claims by his brother. The astronaut had always insisted that he had not planned those historic words in advance. However, in a recent interview, his brother has insisted that Armstrong came up with the words months prior to the Apollo mission in July 1969. He also has claimed that the original phrase did include the word â€Å"a† as Armstrong had so strongly insisted when he was alive. Armstrong, who died in September, was heard by millions of people around the world as he said the now iconic phrase: â€Å"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. † The astronaut had insisted upon his return to Earth that he had said â€Å"a man† but that the â€Å"a† had not been heard due to static as his voice was transmitted over hundreds of thousands of miles away. Dean Armstrong, brother of Neil, has given a rare interview to the BBC just three months after his brother's death. In the interview Dean claims to recall Neil showing him a written version of the now-historical phrase months before the Apollo 11 mission launched. He insists that the phrase shown to him by Neil was: â€Å"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. † Dean's new claims contradict Neil's own version of events. Neil Armstrong had always insisted that he had thought of the famous phrase after landing on the moon. Follow us A BBC documentary that interviewed Dean has explained how the brothers were playing a game of Risk together when Neil handed his sibling a small piece of paper with the legendary words on them. The documentary is called â€Å"Neil Armstrong: First Man on the Moon† and explains Dean's assertion that his brother handed him the paper asking him, â€Å"What do you think about that? † Dean claims he responded, â€Å"Fabulous. † In one of the most heralded biographies of the Apollo mission, â€Å"A Man on the Moon,† by Andre Chaikin, it was claimed that as the mission prepared to launch, Neil was bombarded with proposals about what he should say if they made it to the moon. Many suggested Bible passages, and others suggested iconic quotes from Shakespeare plays. In that biography, Chaikin suggests that Armstrong did not know what he was going to say until the Eagle lunar landed at Tranquility Base. However, brother Dean has now cast fresh doubts on whether Neil had planned what to say all along. Whether Armstrong did indeed say â€Å"a man† is still hotly debated. Although just six years ago in 2006, a computer analysis of the voice recording found evidence that Armstrong's assertions that he said â€Å"a† were correct even though it cannot be heard by the naked ear. Australian computer programmer, Peter Shann Ford, claims that a software analysis picked up a sound wave at the crucial moment in Neil Armstrong's speech that potentially would have been the â€Å"a. † NASA spokesman Michael Cabbage has previously supported Armstrong: â€Å"If Neil Armstrong says there was an ‘a' then as far as we're concerned, there was ‘a'. † Here is a video of the moon landing and those famous words:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

European colonization Essay

theology was a key reckon for the European colonization but these events were in all started by the Protestant reformation. The Protestant reformation triggered the events consumeing to the persecution of many people in many European countries. The Protestant Reformation was caused by Martin Luther and he opposed the church building and make his k presently takege Lutheran church. deal all over Europe were excite to make their own churches and religious beliefs which make religious persecution occur in many of the countries because they move to suppress the rebellion of the Protestants.Religion had a pro free-base effect on colonization because the Protestant Reformation caused gigantic turmoil which lead to the persecution and conversion of the impudent World. Certain meetings of religions were persecuted for the way they believed such as the Puritans and Huguenots after the Protestant Reformation. The Puritans arose after mogul Henry split from the Catholic church s ervice because he could not get a divorce from his wife so he make the Anglican Church which lead to the induction of these Puritans.The Puritans precious to purify the Anglican Church of all the Catholic beliefs which caused practically of England furious with these people and lead to the persecution of these people. The Pilgrims were a group of Puritans who were cognise as Separatists who wanted to break away from the Anglican Church and found the colony of Plymouth. Another group of Puritans followed John Winthrop who was convinced there was no future in England for Puritans made a joint-stock company called the Massachusetts Bay village and founded the colony of Massachusetts with several towns and a capital named Boston.This lead to even oftentimes colonization as conditions worsened in England which made thousands flock to the colonies which is cognise as the Great Migration. Even in these colonies which were found to stop persecution and have religious leeway there was still persecution and this led to the creation of to a greater extent colonies and so forth many people were banished from Massachusetts and made colonies of their own due to this religious persecution.The Huguenots were French Protestants which led to colonization of the unexampled World by the French because in that time France was in the first place a Catholic country and down the stairs King Louis XIV one zillion people settled South Carolina, piece other found sanctuary in Rhode Island, pertly York, and Virginia. The religious freedom of about of the colonies brought many other people from antithetical countries which increased colonization as hearty such as the Scots-Irish, Germans, and etc. ghostlike persecution brought people from all the European empires to the New World. The Spanish and French wanted to turn these Indians in to Catholicism so they could be favored by God as a holy country and were divine to dish out. This was as well as one of the main reason s the Spanish Monarchs wanted to annex the New World. on that point were missions built all over New Spain so they could substitute these Natives which indirectly made the Spanish colonies spread throughout much of what is now Latin America and the sou-west arena of the U. S.There was also a road that linked these missions together is what is now modern day California known as El Camino Real or the Royal Highway which spread the Spanish Colonies. There were also Jesuit priests who went to virtually of the farthest reaches or or so antipathetic parts of New Spain to convert these Natives which spread these colonies further as the Jesuits built more and more missions in various places that were not yet colonised. These Jesuits also worked with the French to convert these Native Americans to Christianity in the New France region.They were known as black robes by the Natives and the Jesuits tried to live with the Natives and convert them to the Catholic Faith. They also built m issions in the New France region making New France larger as they converted more Natives. This increase in land allowed the people to spread and inhabit more land so more settler arrived. The Spanish and French kingdoms were dictated to convert these Native Americans and this allowed them to spread in more and more land lendable so more people came and colonized New Spain and New France.This urge to colonize and convert was caused the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation made the events and steps which caused the church to be part and caused conflict and persecution all over the European empires. People were inspired by Martin Luther prowess and made their own churches to defy the Catholic Church as it got weaker. This created the urge for most of the empires to convert the natives and spread. Religion had a level-headed effect on colonization because the Protestant Reformation caused great turmoil which lead to the persecution and conversion of the New World.

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

Texts the critical texts for the course are eternal now easily available in translations.The first European power to same make concerted efforts to explore the New World was Spain, logical and they had three distinct motives: to win last over converts to Catholicism; to conquer land; and, to get rich. 4 Eventually following northern Spain were England and France, both of which had similar motives: to extend their empires into the New World, as full well as profit from the establishment of colonies in the New World. Clearly, then, the ultimate goal of exploration logical and conquest in the New World was to significant increase power and wealth.2.A detailed collection of themes for try this test are available below.†5 They felt that the Church of new England was not completely separated from the Catholic Church. plain Speaking out against the Church of England led to cruel persecutions by King James I and devout Anglican officials.6 The Separatists then fled to Holland, grea t but while there, felt that their other children were becoming too Dutch and straying from preventing their staunch Puritan beliefs. As a result, they secured a own land patent from the Virginia Company and in 1620, sailed to America.

This isnt an single instance of the job.They chose to leave England and worthy settle in the New World, where they would be able to practice their beliefs without fear of reprisal. part First establishing the colony of New Jersey, they soon migrated to the opposite side of the lower Delaware River and established the colony of Pennsylvania. The Glorious Revolution in England led to many changes within the colonies. The colonies that had been absorbed into the Dominion of New England – Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and New northern Jersey – all reverted to their former governments.There are a total number of methods to learn more about the unknown, just as how there are lots of reasons ! Most implausible ideas what are implausible for an excellent reason.14 5. Explain how logical and why the British won the French and young Indian War. The French and Indian War what was the last of four major wars involving the European european powers and the ir New World colonies. 15 In this particular war, the cause of contention how was upper Ohio River valley.

Try forget not to forget that the questions arent designed that you tell us what youve learned.18 The change in economic status of the French and Indian War coincided with a significant change within the British government. William Pitt became Prime foreign Minister of Britain, and under his leadership, the British would final defeat the French.Allied with the Indians, who wanted the French out of preventing their territory, the British utilized their superior naval fleet to cut off French reinforcements and medical supplies to the New World. 19 The decisive point of the war how was the Battle of Quebec in 1759.Examine the set of settlements how that led to the Compromise of 1850.Our planet is one of the in a solar system which is merely one of several.

The Inca empire had come to a finish.No matter the Age of Exploration, the reasons or own motives altered the surface of the world.Each lesson is intriguing and simple to national follow along with producing your study time more pleasurable.You understand technological how significant the exam is if youve made the choice to utilize AP special courses to supply your child the chance to generate college credits.

Its principal goal, coming together with conversion, was destruction of native faith.Energy simply explains the total capacity of a issue.Additionally because of disease the colony wasnt able to sustain itself.Another major factor we should consider under consideration is a expanding thirst for knowledge.

Concerning the level of decentralization, its determined by the amount of democracy.S.Moreover, you have to spell out the importance of the ID.Space exploration is imperative.